Foundation Directory Essential is available for remote access throughout 2023 by request by emailing After you receive the link via email, you will be asked to create an account and sign up for a day pass. The day pass allows you to use Foundation Directory Essential remotely in a 24-hour window. There is a clock at the top of the screen that will tell you how much time remains in the pass. After the 24 hours, the clock will show the next date on which you can activate a new pass (every 30 days).


Since you will be able to create an individual account in Foundation Directory Essential, you will have access to the MyFDO features that were not previously available. You’ll be able to create dashboards, tag favorite grantmakers, and save searches, and return to these each time you activate a new pass. The day pass allows Candid to continue providing remote access in a secure and automated way to people all over the world.