

Use your eCard to access homework help, eBooks, audiobooks, digital magazines, movies, tv shows, music and more!

Download a PDF with instructions here!


Get Started Today!

1. Have your Library eCard number ready.
2. On your computer, tablet or smartphone, go to
3. Click on the service you want to use.
4. Follow instructions and enjoy!
5. If you have any questions, call 847-742-2411 or visit the library.


Visit the 24/7 eLibrary page to try out and use the library's eResources!



Convert your eCard to a full-service card to check out books and movies at the Library!

• Use it at all three branches—Main, Rakow and South Elgin
• You can borrow books, games, puzzles, movies, toys, science kits, eReaders and more!

You can turn your eCard into a full-service Library Card by visiting any Library building.
Find out more about getting a Gail Borden Library Card here.